
Introduction to Dark Web Operations

Lessons available in 9 languages with native text-to-speech (beta)

This course will introduce you to the clear, deep, and darkweb, and how the darkweb is used by criminals, governments, law enforcement, and people wanting more privacy online.

Skills you'll gain


Introduction to Dark Web Operations

This course will introduce you to the clear, deep, and darkweb, and how the darkweb is used by criminals, governments, law enforcement, and people wanting more privacy online.

Recommended experience


Estimated time to complete

approximately 5 hours to complete

Training price


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The Good Guys

3 topics

What you'll learn

This section discusses how the good guys can utilize the dark web.


  • Intelligence Gathering

The Bad Guys

Accessing the Dark Web

Course Capstone

Course Authors

Photo of Joshua Beaman

Joshua Beaman

Academic Board