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Security Blue Team at Black Hat USA: Our Roundup
Duncan Whitley 22/08/2024

Security Blue Team at Black Hat USA: Our Roundup

For the first time, we at Security Blue Team had the honor of sponsoring Black Hat USA in Las Vegas. The event, which ran 7-8 August, is one of the premier information security conferences globally, drawing in cybersecurity professionals, researchers, and enthusiasts from all over the world.

Day in the Life of a Content Engineer
Malik Girondin 09/08/2024

Day in the Life of a Content Engineer

We explore what it means to be a content engineer, an exciting career emerging within the cybersecurity industry. This piece...

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Google Casts a New Spell: Introducing Magik(a)
Renmarc Andrada 07/06/2024

Google Casts a New Spell: Introducing Magik(a)

How often do we witness the blend of innovation and generosity in the tech world? Google's latest contribution to the open-source community, Magika, serves as a fascinating case study in this regard.

Forwarding Windows Logs to Syslog using NXLog Tool
John Jonusauskas 29/05/2024

Forwarding Windows Logs to Syslog using NXLog Tool

NXLog is an open-source, multi-platform log management tool designed to collect, process, and forward log messages. It can gather logs from various sources across the network, including systems, applications, and devices.

Unveiling Intelligence through Honeypots' Cyber Deception
Luis Suastegui 10/05/2024

Unveiling Intelligence through Honeypots' Cyber Deception

Honeypots are intriguing tools in cybersecurity, designed to attract cyber attackers and analyze their methods. We explore the two main types, as well as the pros and cons of using them as part of your security strategy.