Securing Our World: Celebrating Cybersecurity Awareness Month With SBT

Duncan Whitley 15/10/2024
Securing Our World: Celebrating Cybersecurity Awareness Month With SBT

It's currently Cybersecurity Awareness Month, which gives us a great opportunity to reflect on how fundamental cybersecurity has become in today's world. This year, the theme is "Secure Our World," which perfectly captures the growing urgency for individuals and organizations to take action to protect their digital environments. In this celebration, we asked members of our team to share their stories, why they chose to enter cybersecurity and why they believe it's so important today.


Securing Our World: Why Our Team Chose Cybersecurity

Melissa Boyle, our Marketing Manager, first became interested in cybersecurity after getting a deeper understanding of the industry through her personal network. She shares her thoughts on why she entered the industry:

"Cybersecurity threats are increasingly prevalent, and you can barely go a day without reading about a huge breach or cyberattack. After getting to know the industry better through friends and family, I became fascinated with it—and keenly aware that strong defenses are crucial to keeping our society safe. This strength comes largely from the people working on the front lines, and what better way to support them than by working for a cybersecurity training provider? That's why I joined SBT nearly two years ago, and I'm proud to be involved with a dynamic community of passionate people that work to secure our world."

Melissa's route into cybersecurity reflects a wider trend. Because the threats are becoming more frequent, the demand for skilled professionals, and the education systems that prepare and support them, has never been more important.

The Far-Reaching Impact of Cybersecurity

Trevor Adams, our Director of Cloud Services, has a similar level of passion for technology. For him, joining SBT has opened his eyes to just how far-reaching cybersecurity's impact is:

"I've always been passionate about technology—whether it’s troubleshooting issues or exploring new digital tools, it’s something that’s always come naturally to me. When I joined SBT, I realized just how crucial cybersecurity is. It opened my eyes to the fact that security impacts almost every part of our modern lives, and with the growing number of threats, it's more important than ever. The more we understand these threats, the better equipped we are to minimize their impact. That's why I believe cybersecurity is essential—it's about staying one step ahead and protecting what matters most."

Trevor's reflections remind us that cybersecurity isn't a just technological problem, it's also a societal one. And as more of our daily lives shift online, from banking to communication, the bigger impact these threats have on how we live our lives. This is why the need for defenses and securing our world has become more important than ever before.

A Career in Cybersecurity Evolution

Our CEO, Joshua Beaman, provides another perspective on how such natural curiosity about technology can evolve into a career all about securing it:

"Having grown up around technology, I’ve always been passionate about IT. From building my first computer to playing video games, I always wanted to learn more about how computers work. I pursued an IT diploma in college, where I was introduced to cybersecurity. I quickly became very interested in how computers can be both secured and attacked. I went on to study a degree in cybersecurity management, continuously learning how crucial it is to protect data, companies, and individuals worldwide."

Joshua's career path brings into sharp focus the power of learning. His interest in how technology works became a journey down the rabbit hole of how it can be compromised and more important, how it can be protected.

A First-hand Encounter with Cyber Threats

Our Content Engineer Malik Girondin moved into cybersecurity via a more direct route, courtesy of an event that took many by surprise:

The Colonial Pipeline attack was an eye-opening experience for Malik that highlighted just how tangible and harmful cyber threats could be. He reflects:

"I got into cybersecurity after experiencing the Colonial Pipeline attack in May 2021. This traumatic but eye-opening event opened my eyes to the damage a computer can cause—a computer used nefariously. Since then, I have been learning more about threat actors, enrolling in training, and working in the field. I believe cybersecurity is critical because our society is heavily reliant on technology. Given this fact, we need ‘digital security guards’ to protect this invisible realm. This field is vital for the foreseeable future, so everyone should understand how to defend themselves."

The changing nature of the threats themselves creates an urgent need for skilled professionals to defend against them. What happened to Malik is a powerful reminder of some very real and devastating consequences that cyber-attacks can have; they are not abstract concepts but tangible, terrible realities.

Finding My Place in Cybersecurity

My personal march towards cybersecurity, however, went another way altogether. When first thinking about my options, ethical hacking was what interested me. To me, it made total sense, but to my parents, the name just sounded like an oxymoron. A little research later, and I discovered the actual term for it was called penetration testing. My parents were even more alarmed by that name!

Although I did not eventually dive into cybersecurity for a degree, I am extremely grateful to be working in it today by raising awareness and connecting people with what they need. This is something that I am really proud of: to work for a company like SBT, which provides free and paid training options for those looking to develop their cybersecurity skills. Generating awareness and being able to help gain people access to resources that will help guide and teach them about cybersecurity is a fantastic way to be part of securing our world.

Securing Our World Together

At Security Blue Team, our mission is aligned with this year's theme of Cybersecurity Awareness Month: "Secure Our World". We believe that we all can make a difference in cybersecurity, big or small. Be it through cybersecurity training, raising awareness, or just being informed, everyone can help reduce online risks one way or another.

Stepping Forward with Cybersecurity Awareness

As we improve our skills, the digital landscape is also continuously evolving with new challenges and opportunities always popping up. The message "Secure Our World" here is not just a slogan but a call to action for all of us that we remain very much proactive, informed, and vigilant. We invite you to join us in this effort, whether that is by improving your cybersecurity skills, asking for better defenses, or taking simple steps on a day-to-day basis to defend yourself and your data online.

Cybersecurity Awareness Month reminds us of the work yet to be done, but it is also a toast to how far we have come in keeping our digital spaces safe. This is why at SBT, we are proud to be part of that training for the professionals of tomorrow to make the world a little safer and a little more secure for everyone. 

About Duncan Whitley

Duncan Whitley

Part of the marketing team at SBT, Duncan mainly writes about company news and industry insights.